JVSG Grantee Resources

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Grants Closeout Process for Grantees
The following webinar session is a comprehensive training for grant recipient financial and programmatic personnel responsible for closing out grant awards. The webinar session included an updated presentation on the grant closeout process as it applies to Department of Labor, Veterans’ Employment & Training Service grants (Jobs for Veterans State Grants as well as grants funded under the Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program). The presentation was followed by a question and answer session.

JVSG Listening Session: KPMG’s 2024 Tips for Avoiding Audit Findings
JVSG Listening Session with KPMG (DOL/VETS Partners): Since 2021, VETS has contracted with KPMG to audit grant recipients for expenditures charged to the grant. In this session, KPMG provides annual training to JVSG recipients to discuss the most common findings and offer ways that states can enhance their policies and procedures to align with the Uniform Guidance, GAO Standards, applicable law, and the terms and conditions of the grant. This video was not created by NVTI. It is hosted with permission from DOL VETS. Questions regarding the content should be directed to JVSG@dol.gov.

JVSG Promising Practices Listening Session
In this webinar, five states presented the lessons learned and promising practices that contributed to their improved performance in Program Year 2020. The event included a facilitated discussion where states asked questions and got answers from their colleagues across the nation.

Eligibility and Intake Triage Process

Click here to access a PDF version of this video.

You may also access the following items by clicking on the titles that follow: Intake Process Flow Chart; a SAMPLE Eligibility Triage FormTRADUCCIÓN formulario de TRIAGE para Veteranos en los AJCs; and Triage Questions and Answers.